Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lunch With Princesses

Eden meets Snow White!
We had lunch at Ariel's Grotto with the princesses while at California Adventure.  Eden quickly changed into her Snow White princess dress and was all ready to meet the real princesses!  She loves Snow White the best and loves listening to everyone's favorite Heigh Ho - - over and over and over and over!
She was not so thrilled with Ariel, but then we don't have the Little Mermaid yet so she hasn't fallen for her.
There is always time for that one later.
Belle from Beauty and the Beast
Sleeping Beauty

Cinderella (another favorite of Eden's)
Although the princess lunch was not too thrilling for the boys, I they had fun.  We had great food and Carson came away with another birthday song and treat.  Score!
We then went to Bugs Land to ride on all the kiddie rides!  Here's Eden and Daddy on Flick's Flyers.
Ladybug spinners
Bumper cars or bugs are always a hit!
Then we rode the catapiller train.  "I'm so hungry!"
Mr. Incredible!
Princess Snow White Eden Belle
I took these darling pictures while waiting for Quinton and Jon on the Tower of Terror.  Carson and I had gone on the Tower ride first with Quinton and it scared the crap out of us!  I really am scared of heights and don't know why I thought I could get through it.  It was much worse than I had imagined.  Carson was also not thrilled with it and insisted that it was the worst part of his day....He soon recovered, but I for one would not be willing to give it another try.
The Monsters Inc. car
The Monsters Inc. ride!
......More pictures of the parade at C.A. soon....such a fun, fun day!!!!  It's amazing that we made soooo many memories in one single day.  Loved it!!!!

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