Friday, July 23, 2010

FireHole Fishing!

After our swimming adventure, Jon decided to try his hand at fishing on the FireHole river.  As he likes to say, "I want to put my boys on a fish!"  It took him a few minutes to dial in the right fly, then he just couldn't keep them off his hook!  Time after time he let Eden and Carson reel them in.  The pictures certainly tell the story of how much fun and joy the kids had while fishing with their Pop!  Maybe they've got the fishing gene!

Note:  Quinton was finishing the fifth Percy Jackson book in the truck during this fishing experience, so he is absent from all my pictures.  What can I say, he loves reading!
Slippery little sucker!
A boy and a fish...
A girl and her "buttalo!"
A boy and his dad's truck...
A boy and a river...
(Yes, he's polluting!)
A boy's first fly fishing lesson...

We didn't realize it at the time, but as we fished we got hammered by bugs:  No-See-'Ums.  Even crazier was that they feasted on our scalps, necks and ears!  Whoever thought that there would be bugs more interested in our scalp and hair than a juicy arm? For the remainder of the trip, we would itch and scratch endlessly! Oh, there's nothin' like the out doors!!!

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