Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Yellowstone 2010

Our family had not been to Yellowstone since Carson was one in 2004, so we definately needed to take our kids once again to share with them the beauty of this unique park.  We were lucky enough to get reservations in campgrounds near and in the park for the second week of July.
These beautiful photos taken on our arrival day during some major wind. They were snapped just outside of Island Park.  We couldn't resist the beautiful wild flowers!!!

Island Park Reservoir
The West Yellowstone KOA offered ALL the amenities...complete with a swimming pool, playgound, mini golf and a painted buffalo!

"Hey Napolean, wanna play me?"


Cow Elk
Then it happened... We stumbled upon the mighty "Buttalo!"   This silly buffalo was giving his friends, the nice little birdies, a ride!  What a guy?!
Eden would become a freak for the "Buttalo".  She would ask to see them and roll her window down to get a closer look each time we passed them.

Back at the KOA, the kids instantly made friends with our neighbors, two darling little girls from Canada.  Then they settled in for smores... Yes, those are single marshmellow.  I had found these gigantic treats and just knew the kids would love them.
Quinton's pointing out that the ginormous marshmellows made his smore too big to fit in his mouth!!!

Eden really didn't care about eating the smores...She just likes to burn the marshmellows!  Hey, doesn't everybody???
Nice start to the Yellowstone experience!!!


  1. Wow, I'm so behind on my blogging! VERY cute picures from your last few posts! It looks like you guys had a great trip to Yellowstone! We can't wait to see you guys at the game on Monday! It will be so fun celebrating Eden's 3rd birthday with all of you. XOXO love you guys!

  2. PS, you have a note on your blog, just like Kaycee that says they will be deleting your background soon! It's so cute! But I'm sure there are other ones you can pick from. XO :)

  3. WOW!!! I have NEVER been to Yellowstone that I can remember. I know my parents took me when I was under the age of 5 but I can't remember it! I want to go so bad!!! Maybe Erik will take me some day!
    The Pictures are awesome!!! LOVE THE FAMILY!!!
