Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Upper Falls of the Yellowstone River

While on our way up to see the upper falls, we saw this grizzly bear and her two cubs playing on a hill.  It was so fun to see the cubs chase after their mother and mimic her.

The beautiful upper falls of the Yellowstone river.
We took a short hike to see the falls more closely...and yet when we reached the end the trail, it was closed for repair.  So we didn't get another view, but we did capture some fun pictures of the family... As if we hadn't taken enough yet on this vacation!
Eden had her "Cheese" on!
This herd of buffalo was crossing the road and we finaly got an up close view of those darling calves!

On the banks of Yellowstone Lake at dusk
I don't think the kids had ever seen a phone booth...come to think of it, I can't remember the last time I saw one! Oh, where would be without our cell phones!

Our Yellowstone trip was amazing. The beauty of the area combined with the abundance of wildlife was definately a wonderful experience for our kids.  We hope to return soon!

1 comment:

  1. How neat! I love that picture of Jon too! :) I can't believe you were that close to the bears etc. That is crazy!
