Monday, August 2, 2010

Gram's Birthday Dinner at the Ogden Union Station

For Grandma Margaret's birthday dinner, we joined our family at Ogden's Union  Station and had dinner at the Union Grill.  There are several train engines on display, before dinner we captured these great pictures of our kids playing on the trains!

Quinton's the King of the World
Eden Belle
Birthday Girl Great Grandma Margaret and Tristen
He has the most beautiful big eyes!  They're just like his mom Whitney's!
Tristen with his grandma Dawn and great uncle Rick
After dinner, Addison joined Eden for some pictures at the station.  The girls are both wearing the darling skirts that Grandma Margaret had made for them.
Whispering secrets... What could they be saying to each other?

Up and down 25th Street in Ogden are these beautiful painted horses, I tried to capture pictures of the girls together by them...but they were no longer in the mood to pose!

Eden and Carson could not keep their hands out of the fountain water!
We had such a nice evening in Ogden!  It's so nice to hang with our extended family... I wish we lived closer and could play more often!
Side note here:  We had just bought Eden a new princess two-wheeler bike.  She'd just jumped on the bike at Walmart and rode around the entire store.  It had to come home with us.  It was suposed to be put up for her birthday, but she could not stand to stay off it.  On the ride home from Ogden, she kept talking about riding her bike when she got home, and even though it was dark she jumped on it and rode up and down our street!
The next morning, Eden dressed her self in this unmatched outfit (shirt backwards, shoes on wrong feet, last night's crazy hair), and ran out again to ride her bike!  Love that enthusiasm!

1 comment:

  1. That looks like such a fun place! We will have to go there next time we come up! Jayden would love to see all that! Happy Birthday to you Grandma M!
