Monday, August 2, 2010

Arrow Night at the Bees Game

Jon Carter sang our National Anthem at Arrow Night at the Bees!  He performed beautifully!  We're so proud of you Jon! 
Steph, Brad and Margaret all joined us for Arrow night! It's always so fun to enjoy a ball park dog and the company of our favorite people at the ball park.... Shucks!  It's the American pasttime! 
How cool to see him projected up on the Jumbo Tron! 
The boys had joined their dad up on the field and I captured this departing photo of them.
Eden was still celebrating her birthday and wore her birthday shirt!
Gary Waldron from the Arrow threw out the first pitch and brought his darling kids to the game!
We enjoyed a ride on the ball park train...

Eden had been practicing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" in preparation all summer. She also performed beautifully!!! I so wish I knew how to upload the video...
I believe the "Cat is Out of the Bag", and I can now share some very exciting news:  Stephanie and Brad are expecting our third grandbaby on Feburary 20, 2011!!!  Hurray for small miracles!  We are thrilled to share this exciting event with them and to have a grandbaby in SLC! 
Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby, Steph and Brad.  We love you all!!!


  1. Thanks, Cid :) We couldn't be happier about our little blessing!

    We really enjoyed hanging out with you guys at the Bees game. It was soo much fun! I hope we get to do that again soon. I hope we get to see you guys before your trip to Redfish. Too bad there's not an airport there or I could fly up by myself for a couple of days! I could use a vacation. Love you guys :)

  2. Looks like it was an awesome time! Hey, I can tell you how to upload the videos...I'd love to see one of Edie and also Jon performing! We're super excited for Stephanie and Brad as well-- bring on the babies :)

    I LOVE all your yellowstone posts- looks like it was a fabulous trip and a lot of fun!
