Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Eden!!!

It finally arrived!  Eden's 3rd Birthday!
This little girl has been asking about and waiting for her birthday for six months!  We celebrated quietly at home and planned a bigger friends princess party for the next day.
Eden received her first full sized American Girl doll, Lanie.  I chose this one because she has blonde hair with hazel eyes...just like Eden!  She loved that new doll!

Opening presents with her brothers.
Eden took her new Lanie doll and her older doll, Margaret, out for a stroll in their new dolly sized wagon!
But another surprise was hidded in the back of Daddy's truck.  The photo above shows her face when she saw what was there.  "I wanna ride that!" she cried.  Then clapped her hand and spun in a circle with excitement!
A Barbie 4-wheeler!!!
The baby dolls had to have a ride with her!

Then we sang Happy Birthday to her.  ( We just had cupcakes today...There was a bigger birthday cake planned for her party!)  She sang right along.
Happy Birthday sweet baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness Eden!!! You are getting so big! You and Jayden Paul will have to ride your 4-wheelers together at Red Fish!!! :)HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sweetheart!!!
