Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Eden's Cinderella Princess Party

The long awaited Cinderella Princess party day had arrived.  Little Miss Eden had been talking about it and waiting for months and she was overwhelmed with excitement!  The house had been transformed with all the princess decorations.

A custom Cinderella birthday cake and yummy cupcakes had been prepared. 

The royal guards were ready to defend or protect all the guests!
Eden welcomed Princess Aurora (Addison) as her first guest! The guests had all been asked to wear their best "princess ball gowns" to the party and they were all so darling! 
Royal Guard Carson and Princess Aurora
The Peterson Princesses
We began by playing a glass slipper game...

Then a very special guest arrived! 
Cinderella had come to our party!!!
She sang beautifully to the girls!
Then she told her story.

Cinderella led them in twirling practice!

She presented Eden with a special Birthday tiara!
Cinderella group photo
Princess Addison
Princess Morgan
Princess Maddie
Princess Mckell
Princess Lexi
Princess Kiana
Princess Eden in her Birthday Tiara
Cinderella then painted their faces!  Eden had a pink tiara painted on her forehead!
Kiana with her painted face and best buddy, Carson

Cinderella then helped all the princesses make crowns... Jon even joined in to help the girls!
Lexi and Tayci pose with their crowns!
Maddie and Morgan
Eden worked on making her crown with mommy's help

Cinderella bid them goodbye with sweet hugs!
Eden just wanted to straighten Kiana's crown!
Darling Princess Kiana!
Who would have thought that Cinderella drives a minivan???
We then settled down for a dwarf sized dinner - mini pizzas, petite carrots and celery, midget pickles, grapes and crackers!

We decided not to cut the beautiful cake just yet, and served yummy cupcakes made by Jenny!
We sand to Eden as she blew out her three candles!  Then in true McFarland fashion we sang to all the guests!

Eden opened many darling and thoughtful gifts from her guests!
Carson had made Eden a Cinderella Bunny
Kaysha and a sleepy Marek
Eden hugged baby Tristen
Princesses on Parade
After some guests had departed, Eden gave Kiana a ride on her pink 4-wheeler!
Kiana also tried out Eden's trikes!
Maddie also had a turn on the 4-wheeler!

Thank you all for coming to Eden's party. 
Thank you for the darling gifts and the for bringing your princesses to our magical festivities!
Eden loves you all!

1 comment:

  1. We had so much fun! LOVED it. Thanks for letting us be a part of Eden's day :)
