Monday, June 14, 2010

Meet Beautiful Brynlee Joann McFarland!

The long awaited, joyous, moment finally arrived and Baby Brynlee Joann, our second grandchild, joined our family on June 3rd.   
We went to Nampa this past weekend to meet her and shower her with our love and kisses.  She is so very beautiful!  Jon thinks she looks like Erik did as a baby, and I can so clearly see Jayden in her.  We couldn't be more proud or more in love with her!
Hurray for small miracles!!!
Proud Grandpa was the first to hold her!
Grandma Cidny with our new princess!
Aunt Eden with her neice
Uncle Quinton
We all took turns hold and smelling and listening to her squeaks!  Love that new baby smell and sound!
Big Brother Jayden enjoys a cupcake.. or well, the frosting on a cupcake!
It was Kaycee's birthday on Friday night and I cannot believe that I didn't get birthday pictures of her. (Sorry Kaycee!)  We were just so caught up in meeting Brynlee... We loved spending your birthday with you and your family.
We took a great video of us all singing to Kaycee, but I can't figure out how to load it onto my blog!  Send me tips, someone if you know the trick...
Meanwhile, Eden and Jayden tortured the cat Daisy!  That darn cat was just so docile and the kids kept finding her and subjecting her to more teasin'!
Yes!  I had to have pictures of her fingers and toes!!!
Sooooo Sweet!

More pictures of our weekend in Nampa coming soon...


  1. oh what fun you've been having! a happy birthday to jon and brand new sweet grandbaby! i love all your pictures of you cute family. the rodeo ones were awesome too.

    i love edie's darling cowgirls outfit--reason enough for me to go to a rodeo! how fun that she's such a young little auntie :) i can't believe how big your boys are getting all the time.

  2. I am so happy that you got to meet Brynlee...she misses her Grandma Cid and Grandpa Jon already!!
