Monday, June 7, 2010

Quinton's Choir Concert

The year end choir concert at Peruvian Park was great!  They sang songs from every decade starting with the 40's and "Take Me Out to the Ball Game".  Other songs included: We Got the Beat, ABC, Imagine, Who Put the Bomp, Dont Stop Thinkin' About Tomorrow, and When We Wish Upon a Star.  So Fun! 
We are really proud of Quinton for staying after school and participating.  Its been a great experience for him to meet other kids from higher grades.

Eden Loves Mikana!
We snapped this picture at the concert... This little classmate of Quinton's has become Eden's special friend.  Every morning when Quinton jumped out of my car, Eden would say, "Tell Mikana I lav you!"  Then every afternoon when we would pick the boys up Eden would say, "I hope I see Mikana!".  Darling!

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