Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Founder's Day BBQ at the Weller's

Dawn and Steve know how to throw a great BBQ!  They not only invited our favorite family members, but had amazing pulled pork sandwiches, football on the lawn, sparklers, a fire pit, roasted marshmellows,  some-mores, and they topped it all off with fireworks!  Nice!!!
Terra and Baby Tristan
Addie had big stories to tell Jon about a CAT!  She was very animated when she got to the part about her momma throwing a thong at the cat!  LOL!  Kids say the darndest things!!!
How fun is this???  I want a fire pit for the McFarland's now!
... Jon, pretty please!!!
Eden loves her Grammy!
Addie and Jenny
Nose picking cannot be stopped when you're two!
Waiting for the fireworks to start...
Dustin and Terra
She never saw one firework! 
The next morning, when I asked if she had fun at Aunt Dawn's party she said, "It's not over, we still get to watch fireworks!"
Thanks for inviting us to a really fun party, Dawn and Steve!!!
After the party we had a sleep-over at Gramma Margarets!  What a treat! The kids rarely get to spend the night with Grandma, so it topped off the weekend fabulously!
I love summer!!!

1 comment:

  1. we had so much fun spending the evening and afternoon with you guys! one of our favorite weekends of the summer :)
