Monday, June 7, 2010

Preschool Swim Party

On the last day of preschool, we had a "swimming" party for the kiddo's.  There really wasn't much swimming going on because they are only two and three, but we had little wading pools for them. It was still a little chilly, so I'm glad they chose not to get too wet.
These kids also love the playground toys at the school and just enjoyed some time playing on them.
We also had a bounce house inside our classroom that the kids loved! We ended the party with a picnic and lots of hugs to celebrate the year end.  Preschool Rocks! 
I have loved being a preschool teacher in Eden's class this year.  It seemed like a crazy idea when I made that phone call about the job, but it all worked out really well.  I feel so blessed to have found a job that allowed me to bring Eden with me thus avoiding putting her in daycare.  I have loved the children in our classes and learned a lot about myself.  "Miss Cidny" was certainly a new role that I was uncertain about, but felt like it went really well.  I may never have the opportunity to be her teacher again, but have absolutely loved being both her teacher and mother while watching her develop relationships, learn, and play!

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