Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Jon!

We celebrated Jon's birthday on June 8th at... Bonsai Steakhouse, our favorite celebration restaurant! Yummmm!
We always have so much fun here and our kids actually EAT the food!
We were joined by Stephanie and Brad for the festivities. Yeah! They've learned to share our love of Bonsai!
Eden loves the noodles and is great with chopsticks!
Jon's got shrimp catching SKILL!!!
Quinton just misses his shrimp, but his hair caught it!
Sorry Brad, but we did not get a picture of you catching glitch, but we know you've got skill.
Carson banged the birthday gong really LOUD, while we sang "Happy Birthday!"
Jon shared his birthday cake with Carson, since Carson did not have a cake during our vacation last month.
He'll huff and he'll puff and he'll blow....
Carson wanted the piece with his name on it!
Eden thinks Brad is "so silly!"
Happy Birthday Jon!

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